
Equal op­por­tun­it­ies for equit­able de­cision-mak­ing

Many countries have laws which discriminate against women and girls, for example laws on inheritance, land ownership and access to certain professions. Women and girls are also exposed to inequalities and disadvantages due to traditional role models and patriarchal social structures.

Con­di­tions for par­ti­cip­a­tion in so­ci­ety:

  • Women and girls often have no or only limited access to justice and thus also to opportunities to exercise their rights. 
  • An important aspect of good governance is the participation by everyone in socio-political decision-making processes. 

  • The basis for a gender-equitable society is full and effective participation by women and girls as well as equal opportunities for women and girls to take on leadership roles at all levels of decision-making in political, economic and public spheres. 

Ac­cess to law and justice is key to en­abling wo­men and girls to par­ti­cip­ate polit­ic­ally, eco­nom­ic­ally and so­cially.

Con­sid­er­ing in­ter­sec­tion­al­ity

Intersectionality plays a key role here. Multidimensional discrimination against women, girls and LGBTIQ* persons, for example on the basis of their sexual orientation, ethnic origin or economic circumstances, must be addressed when establishing democratic, gender-transformative governance. Policies aimed at promoting gender equality are therefore highly relevant for future sustainable development at local, regional and global levels.