Gender-sens­it­ive gov­ernance struc­tures

Many countries are attempting to decentralise certain political processes as well as administrative and economic planning structures to more local levels of government. 

Important here, in close connection with democratisation, is emphasizing the inclusive and gender-equitable participation of the entire population in local decision-making processes. This is necessary because only inclusive and gender-equitable participation can strengthen the participation of women, girls and LGBTIQ* persons in political life. 

The ef­fects of cor­rup­tion:

However, flawed government structures prevent the strengthening of gender-equitable political participation. Particularly corruption affects women, girls and LSBTIQ* persons in a very negative way.

  • Corruption exacerbates unequal power relations in societies, which in turn deepens gender inequalities.
  • Women and girls experience the negative consequences of certain forms of corruption, especially sexual coercion and extortion ("sextortion"). Such corruption is often not recognised as such or is not reported by those affected due to shame and/or fear of retribution. 
  • Corruption usually starts in male-dominated networks and is therefore primarily aimed at gaining advantages for males. 
  • The rule of law and gender-transformative anti-corruption measures are therefore highly relevant in enabling women to assert their rights and entitlements – whether in politics or at work. 

A gender-spe­cific ap­proach to fight­ing cor­rup­tion is there­fore es­sen­tial to achieve greater equal­ity and a more sus­tain­able form of so­cial de­vel­op­ment.

SIDA (2015): Gender and Corruption