Polit­ical par­ti­cip­a­tion

Inclusive, just and peaceful societies can be achieved only with political participation, political and public engagement of women and LGBTIQ* persons as well as equal participation in political decision-making processes. 

Con­di­tions for so­ci­etal par­ti­cip­a­tion:

  • Gender-independent rights of assembly and expression, participation in elections, and access to public services and information are crucial for greater gender equality in societies. X
  • Women are severely underrepresented in national parliaments and local politics worldwide. In October 2020, the average share of women in national parliaments worldwide was just 25.2%x

  • Participation in the political process takes place largely outside state institutions in civil society. 

  • Civil society organisations are committed not only to representative participation, but also to establishing the prerequisites for political participation by women and girls, such as free access to education and overcoming discriminatory gender norms.

Anteil von Frauen in na­tionalen Par­la­men­ten Eng­lische Ver­sion

  • Women
  • Men

Representation in national parliaments worldwide.

Info: German, international and local women's rights organisations and feminist groups as well as activists are key actors for gender-transformative policies.


  1. Source: UN (2011) UN Resolution 66/130 Women and political participation
  2. Source: IPU: Women in National Parliaments (opens in a new window)