Di­gital paths to greater peace and se­cur­ity

Social networks and digital media are powerful tools to influence conflicts and peace processes. Equal access gives women new opportunities to contribute to peace-building, to participate democratically and to change stereotypes, narratives and discourses.

ICTs also facilitate and accelerate knowledge sharing and knowledge building on issues which still have significant data gaps, such as trafficking and sexualised violence against men, boys and LGBTIQ* people.

The collection and processing of data at the interface between peacebuilding and gender equality can actively support peacebuilding processes. For example, new ICTs can be used to disseminate information on strategies used by women's rights advocates to influence peace agreements. Furthermore, access to information on gender provisions in the resulting peace agreements and information on their implementation can be facilitated. Women's rights representatives, mediation and negotiation teams and other actors working in the field of peace and security use these applications to develop their own strategies for influencing peace processes, for example.