Se­cur­ing nu­tri­tion - The po­ten­tial to se­cure food for mil­lions

Worldwide, a quarter of the population is still being affected by moderate or severe food shortages, a large proportion of them in rural areas. x

Malnutrition, especially in small children, leads to a lifelong increased susceptibility to disease, and to growth and developmental disorders that are mostly irreversible. x Traditional role models make women primarily responsible for reproductive tasks such as raising and caring for children as well as providing and preparing food.

Women therefore have the potential to become cross-generational change agents. Children can only fully develop their mental and physical potential in later life when they are given a sufficient and balanced diet from the time of pregnancy. The direct relationship between educational level and economic power. x

Moreover, women can contribute enormously to feeding the growing world population, as long as conditions are equal.

Info: According to the UN’s Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO), food production needs to be increased by 50 per cent by 2050. x If women in agriculture are given the same access to capital goods as men worldwide, yields could increase by up to 30 per cent. The numbers of hungry people would decrease, children would grow up in greater security, and economic performance would rise.

Sus­tain­able cul­tiv­a­tion meth­ods, cli­mate re­si­li­ent di­ver­si­fic­a­tion

The number of extreme weather-related disasters has doubled since the early 1990s leading to an acute threat to food security.

Using sustainable cultivation methods and adapting agriculture to climate change is therefore more important than ever. Women have a major role here. They contribute importantly to agriculture’s climate-resilient diversification and commercialization, and since hunger and climate change are directly linked, women also play a major role here in food security. x



  1. Source: BMZ (2015): EINEWELT ohne Hunger ist möglich: Lösungsansätze der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik, S.5
  2. Source: BMZ (2015): EINEWELT ohne Hunger ist möglich: Lösungsansätze der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik (opens in a new window), S.5
  3. Source: BMZ (2015) EINEWELT ohne Hunger ist möglich: Lösungsansätze der deutschen Entwicklungspolitik​​​​​​​
  4. Source: FAO 2017: The future of food and agriculture. Trends and challenges., S. 2
  5. Source: Welthungerhilfe 2019: Welthungerindex 2019