Mit­ig­at­ing the ad­vance­ment of cli­mate change

Stopping climate change is one of the most important challenges of our time.  The potential of women in mitigating climate change has not yet been fully recognised, and their influence is limited.

Con­sid­er­a­tion of wo­men in the plan­ning of meas­ures:

  • Women remain insufficiently involved in all planning and decision-making processes. It has been scientifically proven that gender differences exist in energy production, energy use and access to energy.
  • Also in the mobility sector – which is inextricably linked to climate change – women in most regions of the world have only limited access to their own vehicles or public transport.
  • Such structural disadvantages have so far been practically ignored when developing infrastructures and transport systems.
  • Both sectors, energy and transport, are among the biggest drivers of climate change. Addressing the needs, interests and usage behaviour of women in these areas in a balanced way can be one way to achieve a sustainable climate policy that is both equitable and effective.

Despite a slight increase over the last few years, women are still underrepresented in climate negotiations. During the COP 21 in Paris, only 32 per cent of all delegates were women x, but at the COP 25 (2019) their share has increased to 39 per cent x. Even at the local and national level, women are still often excluded from important decision-making processes. Young and indigenous women are particularly affected.


  1. Source: UN Women/Mary Robinson Foundation Climate Justice (2016) The Full View. Ensuring a comprehensive approach to achieve the goal of gender balance in the UNFCCC Process, Person 1.
  2. Source: WEDO (2019): Factsheet UNFCCC Progress Achieving Gender Balance